The National BIM Council (NBC) Launch Roadmap to 2021

23 February 2018

The NBC of Ireland recently convened in 2016 to create a roadmap to determine the direction and implementation of building information modelling in the Irish construction industry over the next 3 years. The key purpose of the meeting was to create said roadmap, which has now been released to into the public eye.

The roadmap was created to create a vision of what consulting engineers, electrical engineers, m & e consulting engineers and building services engineers across Ireland can expect in the lead up to 2021. It details a plan for the mass adoption of BIM across the industry in Ireland, in line with the obligations set down in Enterprise Ireland’s ‘Construction 2020’ strategy.


The formation of the council in 2016 was a key indicator of the commitment of the Irish authorities to meeting its obligations in the construction sector. It was deemed particularly important for this plan to be realised for Irish Mechanical and Electrical Engineering firms to be able to compete in markets where BIM is not only an advantage, but a bare minimum requirement.

The move was also designed to attract funding for this digital transition and support its progress. The Government in Ireland acknowledges this need and recognises the sterling work being done by Enterprise Ireland in achieving these most necessary of objectives.

In addition to everything else, the moves afoot in Ireland at present illustrate that Government and Industry can work hand in hand to achieve common objectives, whilst creating jobs in the present and in the years ahead.

The BIM journey began back in 2010 and has continued to gather pace ever since. The signs are promising that the goals set can be reached, but there is of course, much work ahead. With a unified industry direction provided by the likes of the NBC, the chances of success are that much greater.

At Varming Consulting Engineers, we have been prominent in the adoption of BIM in Ireland since the beginning and if you would like to know more, please visit our website where you will find many examples of BIM and other examples of sustainable design in our client projects.

If you would like to talk about your building project and how we can help, call our Head Office in Dublin on 01 4872300 now.